We started supporting the ELIET school in Haydom in 2020. Thanks to your generous and heartfelt services, we have implemented the following projects with God’s help.
State to 31.12.2022
- We supported the children with the amount of €8940.
- We supported two orphans placed in families with the amount of €1080.
- We contributed € 4500 to the construction of two buildings, in which there are classrooms and in one an office for teachers.
- A begrudged sent the school accountant a reward of €100 .
State to 31.12.2021
- We supported 17 children. The monthly child allowance is € 30.
- We contributed to the purchase of textbooks in the amount of 2480 €
- SZŠ na Kukučínová in Košice contributed € 200 for the purchase of a 3D model – aids for teaching biology.
- We contributed financially to the construction of a kitchen on the school premises in the amount of € 1,500.
- An unknown generous donor bought an 2 insulin pens in the amount of € 2×100 for a diabetic student.
- One orphan is housed in the family. We support her and her family with € 60 a month.
- We contributed € 700 to teachers and other school staff on a joint trip to Tarangire National Park. His goal was to build good relationships between teachers.
- A special donor contributed € 120 to the school’s accountant.
Construction of new classrooms, in the campus
of the ELIET school.
Teachers from Eliet on a trip to Tarangire NP
Dr. Nuwass visiting an adoptive family